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Professionalism and Social Media – Part 3
This article is the third part of the “Professionalism and Social Media” blog posts. We discussed the analysis of the speech-language pathologists in the first part and the nutritionists in the second part. We continue our analysis in this post to analyze how Instagram’s users from a technical background (e.g., information scientists, computer engineers, software developers) are utilizing their online presence on Instagram toward their career development. We narrow down our analysis to users who are living in Kuwait only. As we mentioned in the previous parts, the content of this blog is prepared and written by a group of

Extracting Quranic Lexicons
Extracting lexicons from raw text automatically enables the creation of valuable linguistic resources that can serve multiple tasks. Depending on the method applied in extracting the lexicons, lexicons provide insights into the context of the text, they can be used in developing systems and applications as a source of contextual knowledge (e.g. question answering systems, text classification, translation…etc.), they can be used to find collocations, and they can help in creating taxonomies. We will explore five lexicon extraction statistical methods in this article as the following: Simple frequency count. Pointwise Mutual Information (PMI). T-test. Chi-square test. Likelihood ratio. Some parts

Professionalism and Social Media – Part 2
This article is the second post in professionalism and social media. As we highlight in the previous post, social media can play a vital role in building a professional reputation if users are creating a professional network and sharing valuable information related to their career and profession. On the other hand, social media could also have a negative impact on professional users if the information they are sharing is not very accurate or not correct, and when they are not aware of the privacy rules and instructions. In the previous article, we explore some professional Instagram accounts for Speech and Language Pathologists

Professionalism and Social Media – Part 1
Social Media has been transforming numerous activities of everyday life, impacting professional conduct in most careers and jobs. The integration of social media into the workplace and professional life is a debatable issue. While the use of social media by professional practitioners enables them to share their knowledge and keep them connected with their international peers and the public, it might have some adverse effects when misinformation is spread, and institutional privacy is violated. This article aims to highlight some professional Instagram users from Kuwait by analyzing their content. It consists of an overall compilation from the work of a

Identifying Toxicity in Arabic Text Using the Perspective API
Disclaimer: This article explores the Perspective API for online toxic comments predictions. Some toxic comments shown in this article are samples selected for illustration purposes and do not represent the views of the author. The increasing number of online platforms for user-generated content enable more people to experience the freedom of expression than ever before. In addition, users of these platforms can be anonymous and hide their identity, which can increase the chance of misusing these platforms. Online abusive and toxic conversation creates an exclusive environment and in more severe cases, it can foster real-world violence. Freedom of expression or speech

Eight Techniques for Exploratory Data Analysis of Arabic Text
Before selecting and working with data, it is always better to get to know it and understand its content. An initial investigation of the dataset is very crucial to conduct before using the dataset in research or further analysis. It can help to detect trends and patterns in data, identify outliers, and find valuable relations among variables. This investigation is called Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA). The EDA applies statistical methods and data visualization tools to support the exploration process. The main goals of the EDA are to deeply understand the content and structure of the data, and to find out

Extracting Data from Twitter Using Tweepy
The logo for Twitter appears above a trading post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. ( photo by Twitter is an online microblogging and social networking platform where users can post short messages, up to 280 characters’ length. These short messages are called Tweets. Having limited Tweet’s length supports the use of direct and concise language, which makes it easy for users to scan and read Tweets. However, it also becomes very challenging to write a Tweet. In addition to text, Tweets can also include pictures, sounds, or videos. Nowadays, politicians, celebrities, and almost

Arabic Natural Language Processing
Natural Language Processing (NLP) supports computers to understand natural languages and interact with human or other machines in a similar way to human beings. It is a subfield of linguistics, computer science, and artificial intelligence. Applications of NLP enable computers to read text, hear speech, understand it, analyze it, generate text, speak, and identify important parts of texts based on defined criteria. Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram, Google search engine, Facebook, Amazon Alexa, email filters, Siri, automated translators, spell checker are all examples of NLP tools and applications among others. According to the latest NLP market forecast, worldwide NLP market revenue is